
  • What: Longitudinal survey of access to immigration legal advice for detainees in IRCs and prisons
  • Who: Bail for Immigration Detainees
  • When: 2010- ongoing

I initiated, designed, and developed BID's groundbreaking bi-annual survey of access to immigration legal advice for immigration detainees in IRCs and prisons, which has been run since 2010. I administered the first eleven of these surveys, carried out via telephone to people held in removal centres, and four further surveys by post to immigration detainees held in the prison estate, using trained teams of volunteer law students. I handled, analysed, and coded the data which consisted in total of over 1,500 completed questionnaires with a high narrative content.

Survey data has been used by BID managers across a wide range policy, funding, and litigation contexts from the beginning. The findings of this survey were mentioned in the parliamentary debate on immigration detention in the UK on September 10 2015.