
  • What: Mental Health in Immigration Detention Project
  • Who: Bail for Immigration Detainees & Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees
  • When: 2010-2012
  • Outputs Project briefing, public presentations, ongoing policy work.

I co-founded the Mental Health in Immigration Detention Project, a two year joint policy initiative between Bail for Immigration Detainees and the Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees, part of work to secure the humane and lawful treatment of immigration detainees.

We reviewed all published Home Office and Department of Health guidance on the treatment of mental illness and immigration detainees, and met with healthcare practitioners in removal centres, and brought together the concerns of visitors groups and detention organisations, drawing on expert advice from specialist lawyers and clinicians.

Project report: Adeline Trude & Ali McGinley, (2012), 'Positive duty of care? The mental health crisis in immigration detention', BID & AVID.